Why you should care about Ovulation
I know it’s been a while again. I had to take another mental-health break from social media and re-align. I’m slowly coming back and would like to provide you with useful information.
So today, I want to talk about ovulation and why you should care about it even if you’re not trying to get pregnant.
– Through ovulation you make your own ovarian hormones (estrogen and progesterone) that promote better sleep, increase feelings of well-being, build and maintain different cells and organs such as the uterus, endometrium, brain and bones.
– Ovulation means that all hormonal messages the body is sending and receiving is safe and the body feels safe enough to ovulate. All hormones work together to trigger the next hormone so if they are all reaching the right levels, ovulation can happen. But if one of the hormones doesn’t reach the right level, ovulation will be impacted.
Healthy cycle = all hormones reach the proper level to stimulate the next one.
– Fertility is much more than just conception. The health of your cycle tells you a lot about what’s going on and how your overall health is doing. When one system is not working well, the whole body is affected. By charting your cycle, you can start to gain valuable information into your hormone health.
– The only way we produce progesterone is through ovulation because the empty follicle (corpus luteum) produces progesterone after ovulation. Without ovulation, you don’t have any progesterone which is needed for relaxing and maintaining organ health. Progesterone is also needed if you want to have a viable pregnancy (with limited progesterone, you’re likely to miscarry).
– Studies are showing that ovulation is also linked to a reduction in osteoporosis, stroke, hearth disease, dementia and breast cancer.
Because of all of these, ovulation is a sign of good health.
Feel free to reply to this email with any questions you have! I have also been much more active on Instagram lately so do head there to learn more and more about the Fertility Awareness Method.
Additionally, if you’d like to start learning about the Fertility Awareness Method you can reach out to me about how we can work together.
Love and Light,
New Live about Fertility Awareness and Cycle Charting: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CU6gIOqjMR5/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
Live about Fertility Awareness: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CP68IX6JV_2/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link