Exercising and working with your cycle
These are things that we all struggle with and accept. It can be hard to accept that when you have your bleed that we actually need to slow down. Also in terms of working out, it can be counter-productive to lift weights and actually impact your PMS.
What the Fertility Awareness Method provides you with
Today I wanted to talk about what the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) can teach you. What you can expect to learn when you learn FAM.
Understanding your cycle is core to body literacy. When you have all the relevant information about your cycle and your fertility, you become the expert in your own body and your own health. This helps when you need to seek help and talk to a specialist about your cycle.
Fertility Awareness Method Pros and Cons
Today I wanted to share about the pros and cons of the Fertility Awareness Method. I know it’s not for everyone. I know there is a lot of misleading information online – espeically if you’re using google. So I wanted to be realistic and break it down for you.
So lets start with the pros.
What you'll learn when you learn the Fertility Awareness Method
Today I wanted to talk about what you’ll learn when you learn the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM).
I do recognise that it’s not for everyone but I also believe that we have a right to know what goes on in our body. I’m sharing this so you understand the depth into which the method goes. It’s not only about preventing or achieving pregnancy. It’s about understanding the functions of your body and the hormones too.
What is the Fertility Awareness Method?
Let's talk about Cervical Mucus!
This is one of the most important biomarkers with the Fertility Awareness Method. BUT it's also the most confusing and the one with lots of questions.
All women are different and experience different mucus patterns. One you've charted for a while, you'll start to see patterns in what you're seeing.
Why you should care about Ovulation
I know it’s been a while again. I had to take another mental-health break from social media and re-align. I’m slowly coming back and would like to provide you with useful information.
So today, I want to talk about ovulation and why you should care about it even if you’re not trying to get pregnant.
Signs of Approaching Ovulation
If you’re following me on Instagram, you know that I had a surf accident. With all the ‘bad’ luck I’m having, I’m also having a lot of good luck. I’m so lucky that I have no lasting problems from Covid and only fractured my cheekbone / the bruises are internal from the surf accident.
Anyway, that’s a little about me. I wanted to tell you a little something about ovulation today.
Most of us don’t really know much about ovulation. Ovulation is actually the key event in our menstrual cycle. Without it, you won’t have a true period.
Fertility Awareness Fun Facts
I’ve been obsessed with women’s health and fertility. I feel that it’s my job to educate others about what our body is capable of.
So today, I want to provide you with some cool facts about your body!
The Fertility Awareness Method
Hi! It's so nice that you're here!
I’m really passionate about Women’s health. You may
have missed my last live. It was all about the Fertility Awareness
Method (FAM). It is available on my Instagram
Fertility Awareness helps you to deeply understand your health and hormones, avoid pregnancy naturally and time conception better.
Welcome to my blog !
I'm so glad that you're here! This section will be all about the Fertility Awareness Method - touching upon different topics within women's health and fertility.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
Love and light,